As part of the Ballyhoura Biodiversity Series, Focus on Food, this online workshop on the Introduction to conserving the Native Irish Honey Bee will provide inspiration and information to support communities seeking to develop conservation projects for the Native Irish Honey Bee.

What's Involved? 

This online workshop will take place online over Zoom, and it will serve as an introduction to the Native Irish Honey Bee and will demonstrate how to establish a conservation area for them.

John Greenaway, Conservation Officer for the Native Irish Honey Bee Society, will present the session.

Join us if you fancy meeting others interested in preserving and fostering habitats for the Native Irish Honey Bee!

When & Where?

Online Via Zoom on Monday, 19th June at 7.30pm. Zoom link will be e-mailed to those who register. 

If for any reason, you are unable to access Zoom, this workshop will be streamed live in Coote Hall, Kilmallock, and all are welcome to attend.


To register, click on the link below:

Register Here

For any further information, please contact Hannah Kindregan on 063-30694 or email [email protected]

Booking for this event has now closed.