This practical, informative, and interactive webinar will ensure you are equipped with all the knowledge you need to write an effective grant application by giving participants a practical step by step guide to completing the EMP funding application 

What's involved? 

SEC Mentors Conor O'Brien and Lorraine Power will host this practical, one-hour session on de-mystifying the Energy Master Plan (EMP) funding application.


This webinar will be delivered Online Via Zoom on Monday the 21st of February at 7:30pm.

The SEC Mentors will:

  • Walk us through completing the form
  • Examine the common mistakes that SECs make
  • Highlight opportunities to strengthen your application
  • Signpost additional sources of information
  • Address any questions that you may have


You can register your interest/find out more by following the link below:


For any further information contact Nicole Dennehy at [email protected] or 0860660561

Booking for this event has now closed.