Because we believe in Community

SDG Champions

Ballyhoura Development is a champion for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), find out how you or your community group can work towards them.


Author: Jana Mannion

Migrant Integration Supports

Services to support migrants arriving in Ireland and integrating into communities.


Author: Jana Mannion

External Funding Streams

Other sources of funding available to support your project, group or initiative


Author: Dylan Dawson

Greener Spaces, Places & People

Information, guidance, support and resources to help communities and individuals to find out more about what actions they can take to tackle the challenges of climate change.


Author: Jana Mannion

Our impact


€6.9m of public funding managed in 2023


Percentage of income spent on service delivery in 2023


Number of individuals engaged in programmes and projects in 2023


  • Pamfir (2022): Ukrainian-Language Screening with English Subtitles

    A free screening of "Pamfir" (2022), a celebrated Ukrainian film with English subtitles. Read more

  • An Exhibition of Ukrainian Art

    Throughout August, there will be a vibrant art exhibition showcasing the artworks of Ukrainians living in Ireland. Read more
