Ballyhoura Development is Local Action Group (LAG) for the delivery of the LEADER programme in the North Cork area of the Ballyhoura region.

Ballyhoura Development CLG is responsible for delivering project and animation activities and actions, including managing calls for proposals and processing applications for LEADER funding and grant payments in line with the programme calls.

LEADER is a two-step process:

Step 1: To apply for LEADER funding, first fill out an Expression of Interest (EOI) form and send it as a word version to [email protected].

North Cork EOI Form

Step 2. If your project is eligible in principle, you will be invited to make a formal application for funding.

North Cork Application Form

Guidance notes to assist you in filling out these forms can be accessed below:

North Cork Guidance Notes

If you need assistance filling out these forms or have any queries about the application process, please contact your local development officer.