Jackie's Story Hello, my name is Jackie and before this course, I was a stay-at-home parent for almost twenty years. I looked after my husband and daughter who at the time were very ill, thankfully they have recovered now. Looking after them got me thinking that I would like to work in Healthcare I only had a Leaving Certificate education and I thought this might be a problem. I saw the course online and I decided to give Vicki a ring and that was the start of how my life has changed in such a short amount of time. I was lacking in confidence and at my first meeting with Vicki, she reassured me that I would be more than capable of the course. With Vicki’s support and the personal development experience, my confidence grew. Without Personal Development I don’t think I could have gone any further. The Healthcare QQI course itself was so enjoyable and the girls in class were all in a similar situation; wanting to get back to work. I have made so many friends and Vicki was such a great motivator. Every class built my confidence and made me think “Yes I can do this!”. The QQI element of the course is both challenging and rewarding but so worthwhile. I have so much support, we have set up a group Facebook page, the trainers are outstanding, and always only an email away. Vicki is always there to support us which is a great help. The SECAD building is great, it is so welcoming. We have use of a computer room to complete our assignments and everyone is so friendly. I look forward to every Tuesday and Wednesday so much; it is the highlight of my week. Although I have found returning to Education challenging the feeling of pride when I received distinctions in my modules was great, the last result that I received was my leaving certificate. I have recently gotten work experience placement and they have indicated that they would be willing to employ me at the end of the programme. This programme and particularly the Personal Development aspect has given me a purpose in life, if you asked me a few months ago would I have had the courage and confidence to go back to education I would have laughed but it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. With the support of Vicki, my trainers, and my family I know I will gain a qualification in Healthcare and who knows maybe I might go onto bigger things. It has changed my life in such a short period of time. For more information about the Healthcare Opportunities for Women or to register your interest, please contact Nichola Grufferty at ngrufferty@ballyhoura This project is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and European Social Fund as part of the ESF Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (PEIL) 2014 - 2020. Manage Cookie Preferences