The Community Wellbeing Social Prescribing project facilitated a series of hobby-style workshops in the community in May & June. These fun outdoor events allowed participants to explore new hobbies, meet others in the community and find out more about the Community wellbeing project.

Three different workshops were facilitated by the project, everyone had a great time meeting with others in the community, exploring new hobbies and interests, and finding out about the Community Wellbeing Social Prescribing project and everyone enjoyed a socially distant cup of tea after.

The three workshops were:

  1. Summer window boxes -participants learned about flower arranging and everyone left with a window box of their own.
  2. Arts & Crafts- participants learned how to build a summer door wreath and were able to take home their own creation.
  3. Dad's & Lads Breakfast morning where fathers and their sons came along enjoyed a breakfast and a chat with Ballyhoura staff, chatted about their interests and how they might get involved in more activities in the community.



Find out more about the Community Wellbeing Social Prescribing Project.