Ballyhoura Development offers a range of supports to help jobseekers find a new job, improve their current job situation, access a range of training opportunities or identify barriers that may be affecting them gain employment.

Online Employment Resources

Guides, hints and tips to help you in your job search. Browse resources.

Local Area Employment Service

The Local Area Employment Service (LAES) is a new 52-week employment service which provides intensive employment support to help clients find employment. 

Outreach One-to-One Supports

Ballyhoura Development staff are available, by appointment, in outreach centres across the Ballyhoura area.  Appointments can be tailored to each individuals needs.

Services and supports we offer range from working with clients on a one-to-one basis to help them to identify what their strengths are, to identify suitable training / upskilling opportunities, to help clients find suitable employment and identify any barriers to gaining employment.

Other supports available include Family Supports and Wellness Supports. You can make an appointment here 

Upcoming Training / Upskilling

To view upcoming Training / Upskilling / Wellness opportunities click here

Additional Supports:

Jobseekers Supports, a DEASP guide which gives a brief overview of the wide range of supports and schemes which Intreo provides to jobseekers.  Download jobseekers' guide

YESS (Youth Employment Support Scheme) is aimed at young jobseekers who are long-term unemployed or who face significant barriers to gaining employment, providing an opportunity to learn basic work and social skills in a supportive environment while on a work placement. Find out more on

The Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed (INOU) works at local and national level on issues affecting unemployed people.  Find out more about INOU here