Travellers Together Preventing Suicide is a collective campaign organised by national and local Traveller organisations, projects and groups which flags high levels of suicide among Travellers and creates solidarity and awareness. This Webinar is being organised to mark World Suicide Prevention Day.

The webinar will be delivered via the online platform Zoom and live-streamed on the Travellers Together Preventing Suicide Facebook page as well as on Youtube.

Webinar Registration

The webinar will include a discussion about possible ways to address Traveller suicide root causes and initiatives that work towards preventing Traveller suicide.

The event will be launched by recently appointed Senator Eileen Flynn. This will be followed by speakers from the Traveller Community who will share their personal experiences and professional work in the area of mental health and Traveller support work with the online audience.

Jim O'Brien will introduce the webinar and Bridget O'Donoghue will speak about her personal experience. A panel discussion will follow chaired by Thomas McCann (Traveller Counselling Service. Panel members are Patrick O'Reilly (Pavee Point), David McCarthy (Clare Travellers), Margaret McDonagh (Mind the Gap) and Frank Kavanagh (TMS).

If you are affected by Suicide, need personal support or someone to talk to - Please Call:

  • Samaritans: 116123
  • Pieta House: 1800 247 247
  • Free text PAVEE to 50808

HSE Website: one-stop-shop for information and signposting re: mental health.

Watch 'A World Suicide Prevention Day Film'


Booking for this event has now closed.