How we work [update with stuff from the green book] Ballyhoura Development works in partnership to develop empowered and inclusive communities, that inspire and embrace new opportunities, drive positive sustainable social, environmental and economic change and reduce inequalities, thereby making the Ballyhoura area an attractive location in which to live, do business and visit. Clearly explain your model of working in and with the communityOur values and principlesOrganisation history, the company, strategic plan - this year, 5 years and 10 years Ballyhoura Development works to adopt an integrated targeted equality-based approach, where the citizen and the area are at the core of our support, with those experiencing disadvantage/exclusion being the specific target of the LCDP programme.This approach ensures that an ethos of openness, respect, inclusion and understanding transcends all interactions.A variety of engagement tools, using a community development approach, are implemented to facilitate relationship building with clients including an outreach strategy. Due to the size of the Ballyhoura area, its rural nature, and the dispersed and hidden nature of disadvantage and exclusion, the outreach strategy improves accessibility to information on opportunities and options, and ensures that the most disadvantaged and excluded are identified and supported. This facilitates innovation, flexibility and responsiveness to changing needs, together with a consultative approach with clients, and facilitates the organisation in its proactive animation and activation strategy. Manage Cookie Preferences