Over 30 communities from across the Ballyhoura area vied for the top prizes at the 33rd Annual Ballyhoura Country Tidy Towns Awards, kindly hosted by Caherconlish Tidy Towns, at the Millenium Centre.

There was a full house for the 33rd annual Ballyhoura Country Tidy Towns Awards which took place in the  Millennium centre in Caherconlish on Thursday, September 21st.  

Over 35 Tidy Towns groups from across Ballyhoura Country were competing for 8 prizes, based on improvements in their marks in the national Tidy Towns competition year on year. The annual Awards Event is a celebration of the huge voluntary effort and dedication of all the Tidy Towns Groups, and over 60 community members attended the event to represent their Groups. 

This year’s winners in the 4 categories were:   

Overall Development Approach:

Bruff Tidy Towns &  Garrienderk Tidy Towns

Built Environment &Landscaping:

Ardpatrick Tidy Towns &  Newtownshandrum Tidy Towns

Litter Control, Waste Tidiness and Housing Areas: 

Galbally Tidy Towns& Caherconlish Tidy Towns

Community Planning, Environment &Sustainability: 

Kildorrery Tidy Towns & Glenroe Tidy Towns

Well done to all the winners!!

The evening kicked off with an interesting online presentation by Brendan O’Reilly, Chair of Rush Tidy Towns, on the work of Rush Tidy Towns and their activities in running events that promote sustainability in their community.  

Hannah Kindregan, Development Officer with Ballyhoura Development and An Taisce Climate Ambassador, gave an engaging talk on the importance of taking local action in tackling the climate crisis.

Sean Sweeney, Development Officer with Ballyhoura Development, demonstrated home energy-saving kits, that community groups will soon be able to borrow from Ballyhoura Development. Borrowers will be able to use this to monitor energy use in their homes and community buildings.                      

This year’s Ballyhoura Country Tidy Towns Awards was supported by Limerick City & County Council and kindly hosted by Caherconlish Tidy Towns Group.

Ballyhoura Development would like to take this opportunity to wish all participants the very best of luck for this year’s results, as always, new groups are encouraged to participate.