Ballyhoura Development – 30 years at the Forefront of Community-Led Local Development If you have a business idea, community idea, a community group looking to develop a project, or if you are an existing business looking to expand – we want to hear from you! For 30 years Ballyhoura Development has successfully delivered the LEADER programme within the area. Many communities and businesses have benefitted from this funding over that time. Over the coming months, Ballyhoura Development is developing a Local Development Strategy for the communities in the Ballyhoura area of north Cork and east Limerick. The preparation of the Local Development Strategy will inform and determine the selection of an organisation to deliver the new LEADER Programme 2023 – 2027. The key feature of the LEADER programme is ensuring a community-led approach, in both the preparation, and implementation, of the Local Development Strategy. Most importantly, the strategy will be informed and guided by local communities, organisations and businesses. Everyone has a role to play in its development. Ballyhoura Development will host a series of community consultation meetings, focus groups and surveys to hear local views on how the LEADER 2023 – 2027 programme can best support the development of communities in the Ballyhoura area from an economic, social & environmental perspective. We welcome input on any aspect of the strategy development. To this end, Ballyhoura Development will commence one-to-one clinics for interested individuals, businesses, community groups and organisations at the following Ballyhoura Development outreach offices located in Kilfinane, Kilmallock, Charleville, Mitchelstown and Cappamore, the contact details for which you can find here: Outreach Offices Wednesday Clinics will run from 10am-11am and 4pm-5pm. Across March, April & May community consultations will also be held. If you are unable to attend one of these clinics, we welcome out-of-hours appointments and we will be happy to meet you in your own community. Ballyhoura Development look forward to working with communities, businesses, organisations and individuals in the months ahead to ensure all voices, ideas and inputs are captured and a shared vision is developed for the next 5 years for all. Find Out More - Have Your Say! Manage Cookie Preferences