The Ballyhoura Development Ability and Healthcare Opportunities for Women Programmes have both been shortlisted for an AONTAS STAR Award in the Sustainable Employment category.

These prestigious awards recognise the very best in adult learning in Ireland and the Ballyhoura Development projects are 2 of only 22 projects shortlisted nationally. Both programmes are co funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund through the Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (PEIL 2014-2020).

The Ability Programme

The Ability Programme promotes sustainable employment for young people with disabilities. Supports provided through the programme are tailored to each individual participant to ensure that they pursue opportunities which are suited to their strengths, interests and goals.

Ability is currently running in Charleville where a range of courses and supports have been provided in the areas of vocational training, information technology skills, personal development and independent living skills, with many more planned. Participants also receive one-to-one support from programme staff to access education, training or employment opportunities.

The Ability programme also aims to increase employer awareness and reduce stigma around disabilities in the workplace. Employers in Charleville and surrounding areas who are interested in engaging with the programme to offer work sampling, shadowing or voluntary opportunities, or to access disability awareness training, can contact Ciara Shorley at [email protected] or 063 91738.

Healthcare Opportunities for Women

Healthcare Opportunities for Women is a comprehensive Healthcare focused training and employment programme targeting women in locations across Limerick and Cork who are interested in returning to work.

The programme is a partnership between Ballyhoura Development CLG, SECAD, Cork Education and Training Board and Limerick Education and Training Board.

Healthcare Opportunities for Women includes intensive one to one support and mentoring, employment focused Personal Development and two QQI Level 5 Major Awards in Healthcare Support and Health Service Skills.

On Completion participants will be fully qualified to work as a Healthcare Assistant in a community, residential or hospital setting.

Ballyhoura Development together with our partners SECAD  are currently recruiting for women who are interested in participating in the programme in Croom and Midleton. 

To register your interest of find our more email Nichola at [email protected] or 063-30694.

This programme was previously shortlisted for an Aontas Star award in the sustainable employment category in 2019.

Next steps

The STAR Awards is judged by an independent judging panel comprising of adult learners, tutors, and adult learning experts. The judging panel will meet with the shortlisted groups in mid-February before choosing the overall winners. Winners will be announced at The STAR Awards ceremony in Dublin on Monday, 2nd March.