Ballyhoura Development Staff Visit Local Communities Ballyhoura Development staff are delighted to have had the opportunity to meet with local community groups and hear about their opportunities, challenges, and successes, as well as hear about upcoming projects. A team of Ballyhoura Development staff from various programme areas can call to your community to identify key areas of support. Visits are informal and give local community groups and our staff an opportunity to talk and connect, as well as explore the needs and supports that are required. Staff from Ballyhoura Development visited community groups of Knockcarron and Castleconnell in recent weeks. We were delighted to be shown around the communities and to talk about future projects and activities. Local needs inform Ballyhoura Development's work, and we welcome the opportunity to visit and engage with communities. Get in touch with your local Ballyhoura Local Development Officer to arrange a visit and discuss the opportunities and challenges facing your local community. Visit to Knockcarron Community Visit to Castleconnell Community Manage Cookie Preferences