Ballyhoura welcomes unemployment drop Ballyhoura Development have welcomed the latest statistics published by the CSO which show that the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for December 2019 was 4.8%, giving a total of 119,000 people, an annual decrease of 12,900 people. Ballyhoura Development continue to work with the Department of Employment and Social Protection, and a range of partners, to support people who are experiencing un or under employment across the Ballyhoura area. Ballyhoura Development particularly support people who are most disadvantaged and distanced from the workplace and work to ensure that everyone who is able to work can find a job and improve their standard of living. Supports that are offered by Ballyhoura Development include the Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme, Job’s Club, Tus, the Ability Programme, the Programme for Equality, Learning and Inclusion Women’s Health Care and Women’s Rural Entrepreneur Programme. If any person would like further information on the employment supports offered by Ballyhoura Development, please contact your local Ballyhoura Development Officer to arrange a meeting. Manage Cookie Preferences