Ballyhoura Development welcomes the recommencement of the national SuperValu Tidy Towns competition. The 2021 competition is open to applications to communities across the Ballyhoura area until Friday 2nd July. The 2021 competition will take place in the same format as previous years, albeit with a specific emphasis on electronic entry and remote adjudication of each town’s entry. 

Ballyhoura Development is available to help local groups with their online application. Groups may avail of advice and guidance and also technology training under the Digital Skills for Citizens programme. Many groups are nearing completion of their Tidy Towns plans which will provide valuable information to support the application.

For 2021, a new award category aimed at groups that have continued to serve and look after their communities despite the difficulties posed by COVID-19 has been introduced and there is also a special prize for young people involved in Tidy Towns activities.

Entry forms to the competition will be emailed to all registered groups. If your Tidy Towns group is not registered, you can obtain an entry form by visiting or by emailing [email protected]

Groups are encouraged to continue to adhere to public health guidelines, as they have done so remarkably well since the onset of the Pandemic, as they prepare for their 2021 entry. Full details of the competition are available on