Community, state and agency land and buildings are increasingly being taken on by communities to create local opportunities for real innovation.

Across the Ballyhoura area communities are taking over unloved buildings and land and setting up projects that have multi-layered benefits to their community. Projects that encourage healthy eating, healthcare in the community, provide training, recreation, and social spaces, create business incubator spaces, cultural and arts facilities, heritage centres, community transport, recycling centres and cafés are just some of the developments over recent years.

During National Enterprise Week 2022, Ballyhoura Development highlighted the hugely important role for social enterprise in local regeneration. Community enterprise is complementary to private enterprise, while it isn’t a replacement for the private sector, it will often operate where the private sector chooses not to and be the catalyst for wider local social, environmental, and economic opportunities.

Chairperson of Ballyhoura Development, Pádraig Fitzgerald, commented: "Congratulations goes to the huge number of volunteer board members who have confidence in themselves and in their local community to take on these plans and projects. The responsibility on the shoulders of community board members continues to increase, however, we recognise the importance of having capacitated volunteers responsible for establishing and guiding community led developments. In that regard, Ballyhoura Development is offering, free of charge, a range of support training and mentoring activities to help communities on their journey, with a dedicated team of staff to support communities who are thinking how local land and buildings might be the starting point for regeneration''.

Community led local development offers a powerful way of addressing local needs with local solutions. Regardless of the starting point, all communities need support to develop the skills and grow their confidence to take over buildings and land to transform their local places and spaces.

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