Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2019 Towns and villages are at the heart of our rural communities and can play an important role in revitalising rural Ireland. In 2016, the Government launched a new Town and Village Renewal Scheme to start the process of rejuvenating Ireland’s rural towns and villages to make them more attractive places in which to live, work and visit. Since then, almost €53 million has been allocated to more than 670 projects in towns and villages across Ireland under the Scheme. The 2019 scheme will be targeted at two categories of Towns/Villages as follows: Category 1: Towns and villages with a population of up to 5,000 people Category 2: Towns with a population of 5,001 to 10,000 people The primary focus of the scheme will be on villages and towns with a population of up to 5,000 (Category 1) as was the case under the 2018 scheme. These towns/villages will receive at least 60% of funding available. For 2019, the Town and Village Renewal Scheme will support projects which enhance the town or village centre environment. Building on the pilot scheme launched by Minister Ring in October 2018, it will also place a focus on initiatives which encourage increased residential occupancy in town centre. The Town and Village Renewal Scheme is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and administered through the Local Authorities. Click here for details of the Town and Village Scheme 2019 Manage Cookie Preferences