What is Welly Waddlers? 

It is a play, move, and discovery outdoor series for kids 2-5yrs.

Our sessions focus on exploring the outdoors as a parent and child. It is centred around fun and lively discovery stations where your child will gain confidence and over time a passion for healthy outdoor fun.

The Welly Waddler sessions take place all year round. The program just like the year is broken into 4 Seasons.

Each individual session is completely unique and Families can try a one-off taster session or sign up for each season. Each WW location hub will have its own monthly Welly Waddler session with additional online content and regional nature events for families to avail of.

Welly Waddlers Locations & Dates

Natural Play?

Play is a child’s way of learning about their own bodies and the world around them.

All play is brilliant,  however natural play does something very special. Allowing children to play in natural spaces actually slows down the type of play and games children actually do.

It encourages more creative and imaginative play which engages different parts of the brain and is beneficial to problem-solving and critical thinking. We are all born scientists.

Guided Play Sessions:

Our Welly Waddler sessions are a balance of nature zones for set activities and self-guided play in beautiful natural spaces. Each session will have set activities that include:

  • Hands-on discovery and learning section
  • Movement and Get Active section
  • Nature Craft Workshop section

Our friendly guides are there to offer advice, tools, crafts, and inspiration.

Hands-on discovery

This is the bit the kids (and parents) enjoy most.

Nothing beats touching the bark of a tree, listening to the crunch of fallen leaves, or building a bug hotel to experience how something feels and behaves.

Your child is introduced to textures, surfaces, and living things that live and make up the natural world outdoors.

Encouraging experimentation and learning.


The pace of the session is set to waddle.

This means that each parent and child can work at their own pace.

Activities take place at set stations in close proximity to each other.

This way the children can enjoy all the fun and fresh air without the need to cover any large distances.

Being active outdoors should lead to restful happy naps shortly afterwards.


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