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The Women's Rural Entrepreneurship Network is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF Programme for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (PEIL) 2019 - 2022.

We are inviting All Female Entrepreneurs to The Women's Rural Entrepreneurial Network FREE Online Zoom Talk with the Minister 4 Happiness.

Guest Speaker: Aislinn Cambridge ~ "Minister4Happiness"

Aislinn Cambridge has spent fifteen years immersing herself in the health and wellness industries and over twenty years in the fitness industry. Aislinn is a Nutritional Therapy practitioner, Happiness Explorer, Wellness Specialist, Minister, Celebrant, Author and Inspirational Speaker. Over the years, she has worked in many different areas of wellness always aware of the mind/body connection. In all her work, from fitness to nutrition, celebrancy to writing and speaking there is a common thread; Happiness!

Aislinn’s unique way of dealing with people has earned her the label of ‘Minister4Happiness’ and she takes every opportunity to share her knowledge and experience with whomever she works with. Her philosophy is "making health and happiness a habit". Her personal life goal is to be a people millionaire and spread happiness wherever she goes.


FREE Online Webinar Talk on February 3rd from 10am to 11:30am. 


To register your interest, please e-mail [email protected] for Zoom Link.

If you would like to find out more about The Women's Rural Entrepreneurial Network (WREN Programme) follow the link below:

The Women's Rural Entrepreneurial Network Programme

Booking for this event has now closed.