Start Your Own Business Information Session Do you have a business idea and don't know where to start, who to speak to or what steps to take? It is important to plan in advance of setting up a business. Preparation is the single most important thing you can do to ensure your business gets off the ground and continues flying. Start Your Own Business Information Session with John Hassett will give you a general overview of the initial steps you need to take when starting your own business and entering into self-employment on a full time or part-time basis. Topics covered: Ideas generation & research. What steps to take next. Form filling & tax registration. What is mentoring? Is self-employment for me? Who can help me and what's next. The sessions will run over two evenings on April 26th & 27th from 10am to 3pm in Coote Hall, Kilmallock and are FREE to attend. There will be an open forum where John will take questions and answer any questions you may have about starting your own business. Interested? You can register your interest by following the link below: Register For further information contact John Hassett on 087 6555260 or email [email protected]. Related Courses If you are interested in the above course, you may also be interested in the following: Moving and Maintaining A Strong Online Presence for Business Sales, Marketing & Branding Social Media for Business Booking for this event has now closed. Manage Cookie Preferences