The Griston Bog Conservation Action Plan 2023-2028 was developed by the Irish Peatland Conservation Council on behalf of Ballyhoura Heritage and Environment with funding support from the National Parks and Wildlife Service through the Peatlands Community Engagement Scheme 2023.

The overarching goal is to safeguard the natural beauty of Griston Bog and ensure access to this unique ecosystem.

Managed by Ballyhoura Heritage & Environment, the plan aims protect and enhance Griston Bog and its surrounding habitats.

About Griston Bog Conservation Journey:

Griston Bog's conservation roots trace back to 2008 through community action when Ballyhoura Development, working with local stakeholders, including the local Gun Club in Ballylanders, the Ballylanders Community Council, local schools, Limerick Heritage Officer and other local interest groups, began to plan for the development of Griston Bog.

Situated 1.3km west of Ballylanders village off the N513 in Co. Limerick, Griston Bog encompasses a diverse range of habitats. These include cutover bog, raised bog, wet grassland, artificial pond, reed and large sedge swamps, drainage ditches, wet pedunculate oak ash woodland, and a conifer plantation.

Conservation Plan Objectives: 

The plan concentrates on the raised bog habitat and outlines twenty site conservation and amenity actions to be executed over the next five years. The key objectives are to:

  • Maintain and enhance existing habitats present at Griston Bog.
  • Monitor and manage the hydrological regime of the bog system.
  • Monitor, maintain, and enhance typical bog flora & fauna.
  • Ensure the site is safe for visitors.
  • Conduct annual awareness activities on-site, involving school and outreach activities.

Implementation Strategy:

To support the implementation of conservation and amenity management actions, an annual calendar format has been adopted. Actions include water monitoring establishment, biodiversity surveys, health and safety checks, and regular site promotions to encourage the active participation of schools and the local community.

You can access and read the plan via the link below:

Griston Bog Conservation Management Plan 2023-2028