Ballyhoura Development CLG & SECAD Partnership are seeking expressions of interest from all past WREN Programme participants to take up the offer of 4 free hours of business mentoring during September 2022.

This Mentoring offer is designed to help female entrepreneurs’ avail of one to one advice and direction from a mentor who has knowledge and experience in their line of business.

Areas you might need help with to name a few:

  • Business Strategy / Business Plan
  • Finance / Taxation
  • Market Research
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Branding
  • Website Planning & Design
  • Personal Development
  • Digital Marketing & more

The mentor will work on a one to one basis via Zoom with each Business owner on whatever area that they need support, advice and direction on.

Please register your interest by clicking the following link:


For any further information, contact Carrie O'Donoghue, Ballyhoura Development CLG at [email protected] or Frances Doyle, SECAD Partnership at [email protected].

Find Out More About WREN Programme