On Thursday evening May 23rd communities from across the Ballyhoura area attended three District Forums in Kilbehenny, Milford and Caherconlish covering the Galtee, Nort East and Golden Vale Districts. 

Ballyhoura Development staff gave an overview of current projects and programmes including:

Ballyhoura Development wish to thank all the communities who actively contributed and supported the event in hosting of the forums in community venues and engaging in conversation and programmes and projects presented.

A particularly thank you to Moss and the team in Kilbehenny Community Centre, the committee and team in Milford Community Hall and to Declan and the team in the Millenium Centre.

Thank you also to Doon & District Men's Shed who displayed some of their beautiful artwork at the Millenium Centre in Caherconlish.

Continued success to all community groups in the weeks and months ahead!

For more details on any of the information mentioned above, please contact your Local Ballyhoura Development Officer.