Ballyhoura Development recently hosted the first Building Bridges steering group meeting in Kilmallock.   

The "Building Bridges" community drama project is a pilot project delivered by Ballyhoura Development in collaboration with TASC and Friar's Gate Theatre in Kilmallock. It will provide a safe space for young Travellers aged 15-24 to explore their aspirations for their future while actively engaging in decisions that have a direct impact on their lives.   

Focused on co-design, inclusivity, and participation, the "Building Bridges" project is designed to empower participants to discover their own and others' viewpoints with the objective of opening up access to inclusion in the wider community. 

The steering group will be key to guiding the project over the next 18 months, representatives of services and agencies that provide key services and make decisions that impact on young Traveller lives as well as political representatives were invited to participate.  

Attendees at the steering group included representatives of the Traveller Community in East Limerick, Ballyhoura Development, Tasc, Friar’s Gate, Limerick Arts office,  members of an Gardai Siochana, HSE, Tusla, Limerick  Youth Service and Foroige.   

The focus of the meeting was providing an overview of the project as well as input from steering group members on project elements.   

Ballyhoura is currently recruiting for a peer worker for the project and Friar’s Gate will be appointing a drama facilitator

Find Out More About the Peer Worker Recruitment 

In early 2024 the project will be supporting young Travellers in the region to participate in the project.   

The Steering Group will be led by the Traveller Community and Nora Mooney was appointed as Chairperson.   

Find Out More About "Building Bridges" Project

This project is funded by the Creative Ireland Youth Nurture fund with match funding provided through Limerick Arts Office, Limerick Children and Young People Services Committee and the Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme.